The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will collect peach blossom trees (PBTs) at designated locations after Lunar New Year holiday this year and recycle suitable PBTs collected into recyclable products via Y‧PARK contractor in order to promote recycling of yard waste in the community and reduce yard waste disposal at landfills. Details of the Programme are as follows:
Collection Period: 5 to 13 February 2025 (total 9 days)
Collection Points: A central collection point (CCP) at Y‧PARK, EcoPark, 133, Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun Area 38, N.T. and 54 district collection points (DCPs) distributed over the territory. Please refer to the Annex for the locations and opening hours of the collection points.
Members of the public can deliver their PBTs to CCP or DCPs within the opening hours, while the commercial and industrial (C&I) organisations can only deliver their PBTs direct to CCP. If members of the public and C&I organisations still need to recycle PBTs from 14 to 20 February 2025, please deliver the PBTs to CCP within the operation hour (9:00a.m.- 6:00p.m., Monday to Saturday, except public holidays). Please note that DCPs will neither receive PBTs heighted above 2 metres nor from C&I organisations.
An e-certificate will be issued to the participants who deliver PBTs to CCP or Recycling Stations for recycling. The participants will also receive a gift for delivering PBTs to Recycling Stations while stock lasts.
Steps on Enrolment of E-certificate
General Public
- Deliver PBTs to CCP or Recycling Stations. The staff will record the name, email address and number of PBTs recycled from members of the public.
- The contractor will issue an e-certificate via email after the end of the Programme.
C&I Organisations
- Record the car plate number of the delivery car, delivery date and approximate delivery time before delivering PBTs.
- Deliver PBTs to CCP. The contractor will record the name of the organisation and the above information.
- After delivery, download and fill in Enrolment Form. After completion, please submit filled form via email to If property management companies deliver PBTs from more than one of its properties to Y·PARK, please fill in one Enrolment Form and list out all relevant properties in the Enrolment Form.
- After completion of the Programme, the contractor will issue an e-certificate via email after verifying online enrolment and delivery information.
Recycling Tips
- The programme is limited to PBTs only. We encourage members of the public to replant other small potted plants such as tangerine trees and keep festival decorations for reuse to help reduce waste and conserve resources.
- Prior to delivery of PBTs, please remove all decorations, fai-chun and tapes etc. to facilitate subsequent recycling processes.
Should you have any enquiries on 2025 PBTs Recycling Programme, please contact EPD’s contractor at 5743 9221 or 9728 9341 during office hours.